FRANCISCO CHÁVEZ DE LA O received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Extremadura in 2012. Since 2001 he belongs to the Department of Computer Engineering and Telematic Systems of the University of Extremadura.

He is currently an Associate Professor of Computer Science and belongs to the Artificial Evolution Research Group. He has more than 70 national and international publications. He has worked as a researcher in several research projects granted by the Spanish Government, he has been Principal Researcher in two of them EPHEMCH and DEEPBIO. Actually is Principal Researcher in SEECS. He has also worked as a researcher in several research projects granted by the Autonomous Community of Extremadura.

Recently he has led a project granted by the Autonomous Community of Extremadura in the field of agriculture «Study of evolution and ripening of Japanese plum tree by means of hyperspectral analysis and intelligent systems».  He is the head of the «Escuelas Municipales de Jóvenes Científicos» founded in 2015, the largest STEM initiative in Spain. Finally, he has worked on several projects with companies in the sector in the field of technology transfer with companies. He has four patents and his lines of research focus on fuzzy rule-based systems and fuzzy genetic systems, image processing using deep learning and massive data processing, mainly applied to agriculture.

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